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Mixed reactions as Daniella reveals plans for Khalid after he ignored her at Finale party [VIDEO]



Mixed reactions as Daniella reveals plans for Khalid after he ignored her at Finale party [VIDEO]

BBNaija level up star, Daniella Utangbe Peters, has opened up on the only thing she owe Khalid, her love interest at the show as they tend to begin a new adventure.

The duo were best of friends at the reality show but things changed when Khalid was evicted.

Khalid’s eviction saw Daniella enjoy some fun filled time with other male housemates, a move that got social media platforms buzzing.

During last Saturday night party in the house, while evicted housemates were ecstatic about seeing the Finalists, Khalid totally ignored Daniella which was quite hurtful for her. Following the party, she was spotted brooding alone in the garden.

With both parties now set to reunite outside the show, all eyes have been on how they would move with the relationship they started at the show.

In a recent interview with BBNaija Host Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, Daniella was open in her conversation on how she feels about the relationship and her plans on settling the pending issue with Khalid.

According to her, she owe Khalid an apology over the awkward situation she has found herself.

The beautiful screen diva also noted that a lot of things needs to be clarified between them as she was thrown off by some things she heard during the show.


Some displeased fans took to social media and advised the reality star to move past her love triangles, Others asked her to stay focused on building her career and brand.