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Commotion As Nigerians Stop Young Woman From Jumping Into Lagos Lagoon (Video)



Woman Commits

There was a commotion on the Lagos third mainland bridge, on Monday, as a younger lady tried to leap into the lagoon.

Naija Information experiences that within the video shared on-line, some Nigerians have been seen stopping the woman and pulling her again.

Different involved residents who stopped from their automobiles alongside the highway additionally raised an alarm calling on folks to assist the woman.

Whereas she was being made to take a seat on the bottom, many questioned what was fallacious along with her and why she tried to commit suicide.

LAUTECH Graduate Will get N500,000 Donation

In the meantime, the alumni affiliation of the Ladoke Akintola College of Expertise (LAUTECH), Ogbomosho, Oyo State has offered a cheque of N500,000 to Osunleke Alaba.

That is coming days after Alaba returned his certificates to the varsity administration, claiming that he had not been capable of do something with it.

Alaba in a viral video had claimed that his mother and father sponsored him in class with loans, including that his resolution to return the certificates just isn’t a stunt.

The skit maker mentioned he requested the varsity administration for a refund in order that he may use it to construct a significant life for himself and his household.

Alaba who described himself as a expertise revealed that he gained the MTN expertise hunt award throughout his service 12 months in 2016.

He, nonetheless, famous that he bought the chance to do cash ritual however rejected the prospect.

The LAUTECH graduate added that he’s married with two children and his dad who’s 90 years outdated had been accountable for their repairs.

Alaba, days after the viral video was shared on his Fb web page mentioned that LAUTECH alumni gave him a cheque of N500,000.