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Supporters of Israeli PM Netanyahu block highway in support of government’s judicial overhaul



Supporters of Israeli PM Netanyahu block highway in support of government's judicial overhaul

Supporters of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government blocked a Tel Aviv highway on Thursday in their first major demonstration in the coastal city backing the controversial judicial reforms.

After three months of tensions that split the nation, triggered protests by tens of thousands, and a general strike, Netanyahu on Monday announced a “pause” for dialogue on the measures.

“The people want a judicial reform,” chanted the protesters who numbered in the thousands. 

Tel Aviv has seen weekly mass demonstrations by critics of the government’s overhaul since it was announced in early January, decrying what they view as a threat to democracy.

On Monday, before Netanyahu’s announcement, about 80,000 rallied in Jerusalem against the reform package, according to Israeli media.

A counter-demonstration had attracted several thousand the same day after Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir urged their attendance.

The proposed reforms would curtail the authority of the Supreme Court and give politicians greater powers over the selection of judges.

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