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Shehu Sani Reacts As Former Nigerian Head Of State Leads ECOWAS Delegation To Niger Republic



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A former Kaduna central lawmaker, Shehu Sani has reacted to the delegation sent to the Niger Republic to negotiate with the coup plotters.

Naija News recalls that the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), yesterday, sent a delegation led by former Nigerian military leader, Abdulsalami Abubakar, to negotiate with military officers who seized power in last week’s coup,

The ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Abdel-Fatau Musah told reporters in Abuja that “The military option is the very last on the table, the last resort, but we have to prepare for the eventuality.

“There is a need to demonstrate that we cannot only bark but can bite.

“The delegation to Niger is being led by former Nigerian military leader, Abdulsalami Abubakar, who arrived on Wednesday (yesterday) to start talks with the junta.”

Reacting to the development, Sani applauded the move, however, he stated that he was not optimistic that the delegation’s visit would bring about total positive result.

Speaking via Twitter, Sani wrote, “The Diplomatic Shuttle led by Ex-Head of State Gen Abdulsallami Abubakar to Niamey is commendable.

“I believe this is the right channel to resolve the problem in Niger Republic. I’m optimistic that it can lead to the release of President Bazoum but I’m not optimistic that it will restore his Government back to power.”

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