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Nigeria Is In An IDP Camp, Peter Obi Laments



Nigeria Is In An IDP Camp, Peter Obi Laments

The presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, has declared that Nigeria is an Internally Displaced person (IDP) camp with the existence of IDP camps in the country.

Naija News understands that Obi made the pronouncement when he celebrated Christmas with displaced persons at one of the Internally Displaced Person camps in Benue State.

The Labour Party flag bearer said as far as people living in IDP camps in the country are concerned, it means Nigeria itself is in an IDP camp.

According to him, the country can’t boast of doing well in the situation where Nigerians are still living in IDP camps, noting that whatever happened to them at the camps happened to Nigerians as well.

Obi, who showed his displeasure to displaced persons at the Abagana IDP camp located along Makurdi/Laafia road said the continuous stay of Nigerians in IDP camps across the country is not an idle situation.

He submitted that “I decided that today, I will be in Kogi and Benue to celebrate with people in IDP camps. Nigerians should not be living in the camps in their country.

“So I am appealing to the Federal Government, whatever it takes to ensure Nigerians don’t live as refugees in their country must be done.

“I assure you that the next government, as we progress, will ensure that this does not continue. Today, we are here just to tell you to remain faithful, remain prayerful, and keep all your hope in God.

“What you are passing through is what Nigeria is passing through. What affects you affects everyone in Nigeria. We cannot say we are doing well when you are here.

“As long as you remain here, Nigeria is not doing well. It is when you leave and you are in your homes, farming and doing what you are supposed to do to help Nigeria become productive that we will be proud to say we are Nigerians.

“As long as you remain in IDP camp, Nigeria is in IDP camp.

“So I have come here to celebrate with you. I am pained that Nigerians are in camp.

“You are in camp and we are also in camp because if you were in your homes today, I would have been in my home but since you are here, we can’t continue to celebrate and that is why I said Nigeria is in camp. This is what we portray as a country.”

Obi was also reported to have donated three million naira to persons in the camp during his visit.

Naija News learnt that the Executive Secretary of Benue State Emergency Management Agency, Emmanuel Shior, in his response to the kind gesture thanked Obi for the show of love for the IDPs in Benue and that prayers of the people of Benue state are with him as he moves around the country to canvass for votes.

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