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New Calgary program helps low-income homeowners afford their energy bills – Calgary



New Calgary program helps low-income homeowners afford their energy bills - Calgary

A new program in Calgary is trying to help low-income homeowners afford their energy bills.

In a Monday afternoon news release, the city said the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation has partnered with Kambo Energy Group to launch a Home Upgrades Program to retrofit homes and provide energy education to eligible households in both Calgary and Edmonton.

In Calgary, the program will provide education and home upgrades to around 100 households with support from Alberta Ecotrust Foundation through its Climate Innovation Fund, the Alberta Real Estate Foundation, Calgary Foundation, City of Calgary, Enmax, McConnell Foundation and Suncor Energy Foundation.

A program will also be announced soon in Edmonton, the city said.

According to the City of Calgary, Alberta is one of the only provinces in Canada that doesn’t have a home energy efficiency program to support families who cannot afford to heat or cool their homes.

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One-in-five Alberta households are experiencing a high home energy cost burden according to data from Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners.

“By taking a community-focused approach, we’re providing households with impactful upgrades to reduce consumption, while also empowering residents with the tools and education they need to make conscious decisions about their energy use,” said Yasmin Abraham, president and co-founder of Kambo Energy Group.

“This program will be invaluable in filling a gap in Alberta, beginning with our two largest cities, Calgary and Edmonton, proving how we can tackle energy affordability while concurrently reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said Mike Mellross, program director at Alberta Ecotrust Foundation.

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