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“Life has been meaningless since I lost my mum” Wizkid laments



“Life has been meaningless since I lost my mum” Wizkid laments

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“Life has been meaningless since I lost my mum” Wizkid laments

Ayodeji Balogun better known as Wizkid is still grieving the loss of his mother, Mrs Jane Dolapo Balogun.

The singer, took to his Instagram story, to express heartbreak over her death, revealing that since she died, life has been meaningless to him.

He noted how he made IDK, one of his latest songs, after his mother’s death because life to him is meaningless despite having 4 kids.

In another post, he stated that sometimes one has to let everything go and work with God.

“Made idk days after I lost my mum. Life’s been meaningless! But we dey!!

Sometimes u got to let everything go.
Work with God!”.

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“Life has been meaningless since I lost my mum” Wizkid laments

Source: TSB News

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