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How teacher picked me for handshake with Queen Elizabeth – Centenarian



Chief Adeola Akinbiyi

In this interview with GODFREY GEORGE, England-based Chief Adeola Akinbiyi, who marked her 100th birthday on Saturday, September 24, 2022, travels down memory lane, recalling, among other highlights of her life’s journey, her encounter with the late Queen Elizabeth II of England, when the monarch visited Nigeria in 1956

Please, tell us a bit about your childhood.

My name is Mrs Adeola Akinbiyi. People call me “The Crown of Honour”. That is my name. I am from Ibadan, Oyo State, and I am 100 years old today (Saturday).

How exactly do you feel being 100 years old?

Nothing at all; I feel like a newborn baby.

When were you born?

I was born on September 24, 1922.

You have quite a memory. Was your birth date recorded?

My children will not allow me to forget my birthday. They remind me every day. My husband was almost 100 years old when he died, so he also knew how old I was.

Do you remember any remarkable experiences from your childhood?

Of course, I do. I remember living at home in Ibadan with my family in my father’s house. It was very lovely. There were so many people there and we all lived and worked together and I loved them very much. Part of my growing up was in Ibadan and most of it was in the United Kingdom.

What kind of home did you come from?

I would say I had a privileged childhood because I was well looked after. I lost my mum when I was still very young, so my father was the one who raised me. Although he had so many wives, that didn’t affect the care he gave me. He looked after me very well. I could eat from any of my father’s many wives anytime and any day. We were that free. I then moved to college. It was a boarding school. Once I finished, I went to the Teachers’ Training College, after which I started teaching.

What schools did you go to before the Teachers’ Training College?

I was taken to Girls School, Ibadan. From there, I went to other schools that I cannot remember now. I also know I went to a Missionary College for Teachers for my Teachers Training Courses I and II. From there, I started teaching. It was there that I met my husband and we got married years after, and here I am. It was a beautiful experience, I must say. Looking back at it now, I would say I had a really lovely childhood filled with excitement and care from people around me.

For how long did you work as a teacher in Nigeria?

I really cannot remember for how long, but I know it wasn’t so long. The whole thing is mixed up in my memory now, but I remember that I worked very judiciously. I taught at the now defunct Yemetu School, Ibadan. I also taught in other schools after that. I spent about three years in the teaching school and then I went to another place to teach. I have forgotten most of it.

What do you love most about teaching?

I love calling the children to order and telling them what to do. I loved that very much. The profession is one of so much prestige and I enjoyed every bit of it. Interfacing with those children and imparting knowledge and morals to them is something I am glad I did. I loved them so much and they loved me too. I miss teaching.

Was it always your dream to be a teacher?

Honestly, I never thought of that. It just came to me and I grabbed it. I don’t regret teaching at all. I love it very much.

At what age did you get married to your husband?

I was very young. I just know I married my husband; he is dead now. I remember the wedding day; it was a day I would never forget. I was very happy. We were married for a long time before he passed. He was almost 100 years old before he died. My children always argue that he must have been 100 years old, but I know he didn’t get up to that. He was such a lovely man and he loved me so much, and I loved him, too.

Do you remember the very first  time the two of you met?

He said he saw me acting in a school play and told himself, “That is my wife!” Whenever I asked him how he knew I was his wife, he would say, “I knew you were my wife once I saw you.”

So, we can say it was love at first sight?

(Laughs) I was only seven or eight years old at that time. But he waited for me till I turned 16 years and we got married and were married till his passing.

How old was he then?

(Laughs) I don’t know. We were both very young. But we decided to love each other and stay together. He was in the UK at that time. So, after a while, I joined him in the UK from Nigeria.

What is your most cherished memory of him?

Hmnnn… Everything! Everything about us being together makes me so happy. Whenever I remember it now, it makes me smile. I have no regrets about taking that leap of faith to marry him at that young age. We were very young but we decided to live together, bear children together and raise our children together, and I am glad he did that when he did. When he died, I was not expecting it at all.

Was he sick?

Well, I think he went somewhere for an engagement. On coming back, he said he didn’t feel very well. We took him to the hospital but he didn’t make it back home. He died there. It was a difficult time for us, but I am glad I did live with him.

How many children do you both have?

We have four children; three boys and a girl. We named the first child after my mum because I had just lost my mother at the time. I had other children.

Were your children raised in Nigeria?

Not at all. They were mostly raised in the UK.

How old were you when you moved to the UK permanently?

First, I came to the UK on scholarship when I was eight years old. I was very young. When I came here, the oyinbos (whites) liked me very much. I worked my way to come abroad permanently after my scholarship and I came abroad.

What are some of the differences you have noticed with life now when compared to life then?

I can’t really say it is better or worse, but I know I enjoyed my youth. I have had an enjoyable life.

What do you miss most about Nigeria?

What do I miss most? Hmmm… Not many things since I came here really early and my children and most of my family members are here. I love everyone in Nigeria and I am sure they loved me. The school I went to gave me a scholarship to come study in England because of my academic prowess. I sat the exam and passed. So, my life has been all-round happiness. No regrets at all!

Do you miss the Nigerian weather or food?

(Laughs) I can eat any Nigerian food I like here in the UK. There is garri here; there is elubo (yam flour). I can make amala with okra soup.

Is amala and okra your best meal?

I like amala o. I like so many other nice foods, too.

Were you in Nigeria when the late Queen Elizabeth II visited Nigeria?

I was very much around. I shook hands with her, too. I didn’t really know what it was at that time. We learnt she was coming and I was told to go shake hands with her, and I did. One of my teachers just told me to shake hands with the Queen and I did. It was lovely to have met her. I didn’t represent anyone.

That must have been a very prestigious thing at that time…

Of course, it was. Everyone wanted to see her and shake her hands with her. But not everyone had the opportunity to shake her hands. She was Queen Elizabeth II of England with all her clout, you know! So, it was an honour to have been chosen to shake hands with her. The weeks before her coming, it was announced on the radio that she was going to visit for a few days, and there was a huge crowd of people on that day waiting for her to come. I just went up to her, shook her hands and told her, “How do you do.” That was all.

What was the mood in the country when the Queen visited Nigeria in 1956?

It was mad! (Laughs) It was an infectious madness. Everyone wanted to see the Queen. The days before, it was all about the talk of what we would wear and how we would say, “How do you do?” to her. It was really exciting! We all went mad when she came around. I was not really worried.

How long did she stay in Nigeria during the visit?

I think for 20 days or so. I cannot remember.

How did you receive the news of her death?

Although I am not a member of her family, I felt deep pain when she passed. We only met once but I have lived in England for years, so I felt this close bond with her.

Did you cry when you heard the news?

I don’t think so. It just made me sad. She was a good woman.

The news of her death was greeted with mixed reactions from different people. Did you expect that?

The Queen was a good woman to every one of us in Nigeria. There are a lot of legacies to show for it. We have a lot of Nigerians in England, too.

What makes you so fulfilled at 100?

I think I have had a good run in life. I have a lovely family that I have lived long enough to see grow old. I have seen many great-grandchildren and so on. What more can I ask for?

If you had one wish, what would it be?

To continually be happy for the rest of my life.

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