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Ex-SGF Lawal Reveals Why He Visited Atiku



APC: Babachir, Dogara Clairs The Air On Why They Visited Wike

Former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, (SGF), Babachir Lawal has confirmed his political stance ahead of the 2023 general election.

The Adamawa State-born politician got people talking after visiting former Vice President and 2023 presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar at his residence on Tuesday.

However, in a statement made available to newsmen on Wednesday morning, the All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftain said he has not dumped the ruling party for PDP as suggested in some quarters.

Lawal said he only visited Atiku to condole him over the death of his long-time aide, Barr. Abdulahi Nyako, which was misconstrued as a defection to the opposition party.

The APC chieftain said he would rather quit active politics on May 29, 2023, when President Muhammadu Buhari would have completed his second term in office.

Lawal added that after the coming election he would return to his farm and remain an elder statesman.

Lawal’s statement read thus: “It has just been brought to my notice that I have defected to the PDP. This is not true. This is fake news.

“Just like other politicians including some in the APC, I visited VP Atiku yesterday to condole him over the death of his PA and I noticed some people took my pictures. I suspect this fake news must have originated from this episode.

“Despite our being in separate political parties, Atiku and I are like brothers and I am always warmly received in his home.

“I am still a member of the APC and have no plans to leave it for any other party. In fact, I am considering leaving party politics altogether so as to remain an elder statesman.

“I had joined politics just because of President Muhammadu Buhari and will therefore have no further motivation to remain so after 29th May 2023.

“I find the pleasure and comfort of my farms more attractive and rewarding.”

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