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Elm Plaza in Beaconsfield, Que. sold to new owner – Montreal



Elm Plaza in Beaconsfield, Que. sold to new owner - Montreal

The Elm Plaza north of A20 in Beaconsfield, Que., recently sold to a new owner for the asking price of more than $9 million, Global News has learned.

The property owner wouldn’t say what his intentions are for the aging strip mall that was built in 1978 but a real estate agent who wasn’t involved in the transaction but knows the area well says he wouldn’t be surprised if the new owner plans to redevelop it into a mixed use of commercial and residential units.

“Maybe some commercial on the main floor, and then some condos above. Maybe some townhouses on some of the extra land here might suit the community because we do have a shortage of housing, so there is a need for it,” Sean Broady, a real estate broker with the Broady Windsor Group, told Global News.

Tenants Global News spoke with say the shopping mall needs a major infrastructure overhaul.

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“To improve the plaza, like cosmetically to look a little better,” Jackie Haddad, the owner of Revolution Hair Studio, told Global News.

Read more:

Concerns growing over future of decades-old Beaconsfield, Que. strip mall

Others agree that a facelift is needed but they fear that a complete rebuild could force them to move, something they don’t want to happen.

“I want to stay,” Liliana Gutierrez, the owner of Spawsy’s, a pet grooming business, told Global News.

The mayor of Beaconsfield refused to comment but the new owner hasn’t made any request to city council for a zoning change.

Some residents are hoping the mall stays commercial.

“We hope it stays as is, I mean we love all the little shops here. It’s a cozy little strip mall,” Natalie Allan, mall client, told Global News.


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