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Council boss urges politicians to imbibe spirit of sportsmanship



INEC to cancel polling unit result over ballot box snatching

Stephen Nwaogba, the chairman of Abakaliki Local Government of Ebonyi, has urged candidates contesting the rerun election of the council area to imbibe the spirit of sportsmanship for development.

Mr Nwaogba made the remarks on Saturday during the rerun elections of the Abakaliki North State Constituency.

“At the end, a winner must emerge. Those who will not make it should embrace each other for continuous development and peace,” he said.

The rerun was conducted in Abakaliki North State Constituency, Igweorie Open Space I, Ebonyi State University (EBSU) guest house II; EBSU Primary School A, EBSU Primary School B, Ach Junction by Udemezue, and EDDC frontage polling units.

The council boss advised them to embrace the winner and each other to move the state forward.

He also urged the supporters of various political parties in the state to do the same for continuous peace.

Mr Nwaogba described the election in the six polling units as peaceful and ongoing simultaneously.

“The election was referred to as rerun due to irregularities in the six polling units,” Mr Nwaogba said.

He further commended the Independent National Electoral Commission for the performance of BVAS machines.

The council boss also appreciated the security agencies’ efforts to ensure peace and order.

The presiding officer, Lazarus Ogbodo, at EBSU guest house 11 005, said registered voters were about 900.

Another presiding officer, Paul Oketa of polling unit 019, Azumiri Azugwu War, said it has about 639 registered voters.

Mr Oketa said the BVAS was functional, and the exercise was peaceful.


Source: Peoples Gazette

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