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Alleged oil theft: Navy releases 4 Tantita operatives



Alleged oil theft: Navy releases 4 Tantita operatives

Following an intensive investigation, the Nigerian Navy has cleared and released four operatives of Tantita Security Services Limited (TSSNL) who were arrested allegedly for oil theft in Lekki, Lagos State.

DAILY POST learnt that the suspects, who were initially handed over to the police by the Navy, were released when the authorities at the Naval headquarters were convinced that their arrest was a “mistake.”

The naval authorities subsequently prevailed on their police counterpart to free the suspects for “want of satisfactory evidence to prosecute them.”

Reliable sources at Tantita confirmed their release to newsmen on Saturday, adding that the latest development had vindicated the company.

DAILY POST recalls that Tantita had, in the wake of the arrest of its personnel, expressed their innocence, adding that they were on a manhunt for oil thieves when they were unjustly apprehended by naval personnel attached to the Nigerian Navy Ship, NNS Beecroft.

The Tanita management, which had described the action as “unjustifiable, unwarranted, and provocative,” reacted to the latest development thus: “Our personnel, who were unlawfully arrested for trumped-up allegations of illegal oil theft along the Lagos waterways, have been freed and released to reunite with us. The Navy, upon the outcome of thorough investigations, directed the Police to release them. As Tantita stated initially, our men were on legitimate duties when they were unlawfully arrested.

“We are happy that common sense eventually prevailed and our men were left off the hook. This gesture by the Navy will foster and engender good working relationships to pursue common goals of eradicating crude oil theft and pipeline vandalism.”

DAILY POST recalls that the four operatives of TSSNL were arrested on August 29 at New Ikotun Community, Lekki, Lagos, for attempted oil theft.

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