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AGN’s PRO, Kate Henshaw, reacts to claims of abandoning Mr Ibu



AGN’s PRO, Kate Henshaw, reacts to claims of abandoning Mr Ibu – VIDEO
  • Kate Henshaw, a prominent figure within the Actor Guild of Nigeria (AGN), has taken the bull by the horns, addressing storm of speculations and backlash directed their way in light of Mr. Ibu’s ailing health.
  • In a freshly baked video, the actress lent her voice to a statement, dishing out the juicy details of the measures they’ve cooked up to lend a helping hand to the unwell thespian.

The Actor Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has thrown its hat into the ring to counter allegations of deserting their fellow member, John Okafor, the famous Mr. Ibu, presently locked in a tussle with illness.

This ailing actor, who quietly marked his 63rd birthday from an undisclosed hospital in Lagos on Tuesday, dropped this bombshell in an Instagram video on Wednesday, earnestly reaching out for financial backing.

However, there’s a buzz among social media personalities and chatterboxes  that the guild has left Mr. Ibu high and dry, forcing him to knock on the public’s door for financial help.

But in a statement, voiced and made by  by AGN’s director of communications, Kate Henshaw in new video, on Friday, the guild stated that it has never abandoned any of its members in their time of need and provisions have been made for his welfare.

Kate emphasized that the guild stands by its members in times of need, particularly when it comes to health concerns. She made it crystal clear that they’ve been leading the charge in offering essential help, even before his health situation became common knowledge, and his family was in the loop the whole way.

The Guild’s PRO disclosed they discreetly rallied members to lend a hand, stressing that they don’t air their good deeds in public – it’s not their way of doing things.

She mentioned that typically, they wouldn’t even bat an eyelid over the gossip about Mr. Ibu’s health. However, they now find themselves in a situation where they must set the record straight, as the very core of their reputation and the whole shebang are on the line.

Kate Henshaw read in parts;

The guild has never abandoned any of its members in need, especially with health intervention, we have been at the forefront of providing necessary support even before his health condition was made public and this has been done with the full knowledge of his immediate family members.

“We have had to task members privately to help in providing assistance towards the intervention and we do not make public any form of assistance it is not our modus operandi. Ordinarily, we wouldn’t have blinked an eye over this Mr Ibu issue but it has become imperative to make some clarifications as the integrity and welfare package is at stake,” 



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